In Shamanic practice, rattles are used as a sacred tool. When working with the rattle, the sound and rhythm of the rattle, can shift consciousness from an ordinary state into what is called 'Shamanic state of consciousness'.
Once a state of Shamanic consciousness is reached, the Shaman is then able to travel across the veil into the hidden realms where the healing work occurs. The rattle is also used to call in helping spirits to assist in healing work or to aide in a sacred healing ceremony.
Shamans also use rattles to "shake out" negative energies that may be plaguing a person, or leading to an illness. Rattles can also be Shamanically empowered to become a healing rattle that is used for healing purposes on behalf of an individual. There are many different ways in which Shamans work with rattles. Most develop their own ways that are specific to their healing practices.
What is a Shamanic rattle?
It is a powerful tool that has been used in shamanic practices for healing, journeying, and connecting to spirit.
It is believed that the sound and vibration of the rattle can help to shift energy, create sacred space, and connect us with the spirit world and the universe.
In this hands-on workshop, you will learn how to make a medicine rattle out of pre-set animal hide. Deer, Goat and Kangaroo skins will be available in a range of colours.
We will begin in ceremony to connect to the dreaming field and receive the vision of your rattle. We honour the animals and trees and all nature's gifts being used by us to craft these sacred healing tools.
The first part of the workshop is a time to receive some Shamanic principles around the Rattle, how it can be used for clearing 'negative/stagnant' energies, how to best use a Shamanic rattle on a person and how to use a spirit rattle to enter shamanic trance.
As the rattles are already pre cut, stitched and set/dried, the second part of the workshop will be to intuitively 'fill' your rattle, to create your own unique sound.
Creating the sound of your rattle is an intuitive process with alot of experimentation before you connect with our Rattles voice. There will be a large variety of fillers to allow for both soft or loud sounding rattles and everything in between.
Sticks are shaped, sanded and nourished with natural, handmade balm before attaching to the rattle head.
You are welcome to bring any special trinkets or beads you may wish to add on/in, and any special sticks to be used for the handle.
All materials, snacks and coffee/tea are included.
You will be birthing your own Shamanic rattle. These are traditionally used all over the world for connecting with the spirit worlds. They are valuable tools for healing, clearing space, protection and for altering your brainwaves so you can travel on shamanic journeys.
Once you have connected with your rattle, it can be decorated at a later date with leathers, feathers, crystal, beads and fringing to suit your needs. (photo for example of finished rattle)
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